Over the past year, over 1,300 of your fellow community members have come out to our two community workshops and events! Thank you for all of your ideas and support for the new park.
For our third community workshop, join us for a preview of the conceptual design for this exciting new park that was designed with all of your valuable input from the past year.
We will present the overall design and show graphic illustrations of views and features within the park. Come and see how YOUR ideas created the design for this historic project and share feedback on what we’ve created.
Enjoy refreshments and a FREE LUNCH from Saucy Chick Rotisserie!
Meeting agenda:
9:30am - registration, review of past project material
10 am - meeting start, take your seats
10:15 am - presentation overview of the project and walk-through of the design for the new park by LA County leadership and the design team
11am-12pm - visit different stations around the room to see the design up close and talk with project staff. Complete a brief survey.
12pm - Closing thoughts - lunch will be served
*Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation has designated an ADA Coordinator to effect compliance with the non-discriminatory provisions of the ADA. Upon 3-day request or notice, sign language interpretation and related materials in alternative formats (Braille-transcript, large print, audio-record, video captioning, etc) or any other accommodations are available for County sponsored activities and events by contacting: Manuel Gonzales (626) 588-5140 (phone) / (626) 588-5526 (fax)
Saturday August 5, 2023 - 10am - 1pm
Hacienda Heights Community Center
Public Workshop #1
Join us to hear about the current design effort inspired by the 2016 Master Plan for Puente Hills Landfill Park and give your input.